The following is a list of suggested reading that we have found exciting, as well as helpful. Please visit this section often to see our new recommendations.
"What Clients Love"-Harry Beckwith
"Raving Fans"-Ken Blanchard
"E-myth revisited: Why most businesses don't work and what do do about it"- Michael E. Gerber
"Positively Outrageous Service"- T. Scott Gross
"The One Minute Manager"- Kenneth Blanchard, Ph.D., Spencer Johnson M.D.
"Full Stream Ahead!"- Ken Blanchard, Jesse Stoner
"Who Moved My Cheese"-Spencer Johnson, M.D.
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"- Stephen R. Covey
"The Present"- Spencer Johnson, M.D.
"Principle Centered Leadership"-Stephen R. Covey
"Good to Great"- Jim Collins
"The 8th Habit - From Effectiveness to Greatness" - Stephen Covey
"Who put my life on fast forward?"-Phil Callaway
"Boundaries"- Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
"The Purpose Driven Life"- Rick Warren
"The Present" - Spencer Johnson
"QBQ - The Question Behind the Question" - John Miller